The program of exhibitions in Venice for 2023 is full and the Biennale Architettura is just around the corner!
Venice offers a rich cultural programming, from contemporary art exhibition, modern art, sculpture, fotography and design.
After the great success of exhibitions already closed in January 2023 such as Anselm Kiefer at Palazzo Ducale, Marlene Dumas at Palazzo Grassi and the Forme del Bereat InGalleria Art Gallery, Artsupp decided to pick in this articles five exhibtions in Venice inl 2023 that shouldn’t really be missed.
From May 20th don’t miss the Biennale Architettura 2023, the most important architecture exhibition on the national and international scene, in this article you will also find the exhibitions inaugurated in conjunction with theBiennale and clicking HERE: all the eventsrelated programmed.
If you want to discover all the other exhibtions running and planned in Venice go to and see the complete list of exhibitions in Venice 2023.
We remind you that you can visit many museums, exhibitions and collections in Venice and throughout the Veneto region, obtaining discounts and reductions with the Artsupp Card!
Click here to discover all the advantages of the Artsupp Card!
Storie di Fabbriche storie di famiglia at Museo del Vetro until 6th of January 2024
Storie di Fabbriche Storie di Famiglia, at Museo del Vetro, celebrateNason Moretti, Murano company, which celebrates one hundred years of activity in 2023.
The exhibition’s itinerary follows the chronological order of production and always deals with the link between the design and the created object in a close dialogue.

Kengo Kuma Onomatopoeia Architecture at ACP Palazzo Franchetti until November 26th in conjunction with the 2023 Architecture Biennale
With the 18th Mostra Internazionale d’Architettura which will open on May 20, ACP – Palazzo Franchetti is exhibiting Kengo Kuma Onomatopoeia Architecture with 22 scale models of the Japanese architect are exhibited.
To know more about the Biennale and the events related, click here: Biennale Architettura 2023: all the events planned.
Visit the Kengo Kuma exhibition with the Artsupp Card and discover all the advantages of the Card in more than 160 cultural institutions!

Vetro Boemo: i grandi maestri alle Stanze del Vetro fino al 26 Novembre 2023
The Stanze del Vetro exhibits until November 26th, Vetro boemo: i grandi maestri. The exhibition, created in collaboration with the Museo di Arti Decorative di Praga, intends to tell the emancipation, after the Second World War, of glass in Boemia from the traditional categorization of applied and decorative art to a use for the creation of important abstract sculptures.
Visit Stanze del Vetro with the Artsupp Card and discover all the advantages of the Card in more than 160 cultural institutions!

Stanislav Libenský; Jaroslava Brychtová, 70’s
Transparent glass fused in an open mould, cut and polished
Tiziano 1508 at Gallerie dell’Accademia until December 3d
The exhibition Tiziano 1508 Agli esordi di una luminosa carriera, tells Tiziano’s development as an artist trough 17 signed artworks and several paintings of some oh his contemporaries, such as:Giorgione, Sebastiano del Piombo, Albrecht Dürer and Francesco Vecellio.

Time Space Existence 2023 a ECC European Cultural Center until 26th November 2023 in conjuction with the Biennale Architettura 2023
In conjuction with the Biennale di Architettura 2023, Ecc European Cultural Center opens from May 20 2023 the 6th edition of the Time Space Existence that this year will devote more attention to the many new emerging forms of sustainability.
To know more about the Biennale and the collateral events, click here: Biennale Architettura 2023: tutti gli eventi in programma .

Icônes a Punta della Dogana until November 26th 2023
The word “icona” and its different meanings and interpretations are the focus of Icones, exhibition conceived for the exhibition spaces of Punta della Dogana. The artworks collections invite through the exploration of the very meaning of image to share what is visible.

Chronorama photographic treasures of the 20th century at Palazzo Grassi until January 7th, 2024
“CHRONORAMA. Fotografic treasures from 20th century” is dedicated to the masterpieces from the Condé Nast archives. The exhibition brings together over four hundred works that bring the 20th century back to life.

Ego at Fondation Valmont until February 25th 2024
Ego at Fondation Valmont tells us about four artists who, once reunited inVenice, start thinking about the concept of Ego. The artists, Carles Valverde, Didier Guillon, Vangelis Kyris e Anatoli Georgiev questioned themselves on this topic where Art and Beauty appear intertwined in the new all-male exhibition at Palazzo Bonvicini.

If you are intereste in the exhibitions not to miss in 2023 a Rome, Naples, Turin and Milan, we recommend our insights:
Exhibitions in Naples: which ones to see in 2023
Exhibitions in Milan 2023: the five must-see