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Rome: the main exhibitions 2024

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Here follows the program of exhibtions in Rome for the 2024!

Rome expands its cultural programme – already rich – with exhibitions of contemporary art, modern art, photography and design.

There really is something for everyone! To help you choose which one to visit, we at Artsupp in this article propose the must see 2024 exhibitions in the city of Rome.

If you want to discover all the exhibitions scheduled and ongoing in Rome, go to and see the complete list of exhibitions in Rome 2024.

Artista alla GNAM: Emilio Isgrò protagonista 2024 until the 31st of December 2024

Emilio Isgrò is the first artist within the Artist at GNAM initiative which offers a program of “visiting artists”, with the formula “one year, one artist, one room”.

The GNAM will host an Italian artist for a year, organizing a series of meetings and exhibiting a significant selection of his works in a room.

Emilio Isgrò, one of the most authoritative of Italian culture, was selected for 2024 on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of “Cancellatura”: a radical artistic gesture that revolutionized the language of art on an international level.

Isgrò deletes Isgrò

Wynnie Mynerva: Presagio at Fondazione Memmo until the 3rd of November 2024

Fondazione Memmo presents the first personal exhibition in Italy by Wynnie Mynerva, curated by Alessio Antoniolli, with a new group of artworks created in Rome as part of the residency that preceded the exhibition.

According to Mynerva, personal experiences, collective traumas and individual desires are part of a practice that tends towards renewed perspectives of the past and the present, so as to reflect a future of hope and openness that responds to our times.

From the confrontation with the city and its stratified history, Mynerva has conceived a new cosmology, a universe in which, through painting, systems of thought capable of identifying multiple trajectories come to life.

Mynnie Mynerva Presagio

Miró – Il costruttore di sogni at the Museo Storico della Fanteria until the 23rd of February 2025

Joan Miró, among the most revolutionary artists of the 20th century, he is the protagonist of the exhibition Miró – Il costruttore di sogni, at Museo Storico della Fanteria di Roma until the 23rd of February 2025.

The project consists of a selection of 140 artworks representing Miró’s art, his revolutionary language and the experiments that characterized approximately 60 years of his long existence (1893-1983), leaving an indelible mark on the art and culture of our time.

Mirò, il costruttore dei sogni


The Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica and the Galleria Borghese are launching an unprecedented collaboration with the exhibition TIZIANO, BELLINI, BRONZINO: MASTERPIECES FROM THE BORGHESE GALLERY TO PALAZZO BARBERINI to allow the public to continue to admire the heritage preserved on the first floor of the Borghese Gallery even during the renovation work on its spaces.

Masterpieces such as Ritratto d’uomo di Antonello da Messina, la Madonna col Bambino di Giovanni Bellini, la Madonna con Bambino, san Giovannino e angeli di Sandro Botticelli, il Ritratto di giovane donna con unicorno di Raffaello, Susanna e i vecchioni di Peter Paul Rubens, l’Amor Sacro Amor Profano di Tiziano, la Predica del Battista di Paolo Veronese, just to name a few, will continue to be accessible to the general public.

L’amor Sacro e l’Amor Profano, Tiziano

Fernando Botero until January the 19th January 2025 at Palazzo Bonaparte

Until January 19th 2024, in Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome arrive the largest exhibition ever held in Italy dedicated to Fernando Botero, one of the most important artists of the 20th century, who passed away exactly one year ago.

On display are over 120 masterpieces that exceptionally tell the story of Botero’s great mastery in various artistic techniques, from painting to sculpture, while at the same time retracing his entire artistic career, an exuberant and magical universe.

Ballerina at the barre, Fernando Botero

Ambienti 1956 – 2010 Environments by Women Artists II at Maxxi until the 20th October 2024

The exhibition at Maxxi titled Ambienti 1956 – 2010 Environments by Women Artists II highlights the fundamental contribution of women to the history of this artistic expression and represents the next chapter of the Inside Other Spaces exhibition project.

On exhibition can be found artworks by Micol Assaël, Monica Bonvicini, Judy Chicago, Lygia Clark, Laura Grisi, Zaha Hadid, Aleksandra Kasuba, Kimsooja, Christina Kubisch, Léa Lublin, Nalini Malani, Marta Minujín, Tania Mouraud, Pipilotti Rist, Martha Rosler, Esther Stocker, Nanda Vigo e Tsuruko Yamazaki.

Ambienti 1956 – 2010 Environments by Women Artists II

If you are also interestes in all the other must see exhibitions in 2024Venice, Naples, Turin and Milan,we recommend our insights:

Venice: must see exhibitions in 2024

Exhibitions in Naples: which ones to see in 2024

Turin: the exhibitions in 2024

Exhibtions in Milano 2024: the five you must see

Want to find out about all the museums, exhibitions and events in Rome? Click here!

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