Turin: the 2023 exhibitions

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Torino: le mostre 2023

The program of exhibtions in Turin for 2023 is full on news!

Turin offers such a rich cultural plan, from contemporary art exhibitions, modern art, photography. Today, Artsupp offers you five not o miss exhibitions in Turin.

If you want to discover Turin go on Artsupp.com and see the complete list of exhibtions in Turin 2023. We remind you that you can visit many museums, exhibitions and collections in Turin and throughout Piedmont, obtaining discounts and reductions with the Artsupp Card! Click here to discover all the Artsupp Card advantages!

Table of Contents

Michele Tocca Repoussoir at GAM in Turin until 5th November 2023

The GAM in Turin presents the exhibtion Michele Tocca. Repoussoir.

The exhibition was born from the desire of the GAM of Turin to acquire a group of works by Michele Tocca. Few, thoughtful, small-sized pictorial studies, made directly on nature by artists such as Antonio Fontanesi, Massimo d’Azeglio and Giovanni Battista De Gubernatis, were taken from the GAM’s nineteenth-century collection and arranged high on the walls, as if they were ideal notes, while Michele Tocca’s pictorial series flow along the line of vision.

Cantiere (rope), Michele Tocca, 2021, Oil on linen
Cantiere (rope), Michele Tocca, 2021, Oil on linen

Artists at war at Castello di Rivoli until November 19th

The Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea presents the exhibtion l Artisti in guerra with more than 140 artworks of 39 authors created by artists who were or are at war. Empathetic, suffering, they express discomfort but also great humanity.

Visit the Castello di Rivoli with the Artsupp Card and discover all the Card’s advantages in more than 180 cultural institutions!

Artisti in guerra, Castello di Rivoli
Artisti in guerra, Castello di Rivoli

Vivere sull’Acqua, at Musei Reali until October 31st.

Until October 31, 2023, it is possible to visit the exhibition VIVERE SULL’ACQUA. Daily life in the Bronze Age in Piemonte. which focuses on the pile-dwelling settlements and the daily life that took place in the 2nd millennium BC. Archaeological finds such as weapons, agricultural work tools, pottery and jewellery, both locally produced and imported, are on display, as well as numerous historical-educational items, offering a focus on the life of these areas.

Antropomorfo a pettine da Viverone
Antropomorfo a pettine da Viverone

Che sarà sarà at Palazzo Re Rebaudengo in Guarene until November 19th 2023

From 23 September to 19 November, at Palazzo Re Rebaudengo in Guarene, the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation presents che sarà sarà, an exhibition structured through the works of twenty artists active in Italy, from sculpture to installation, painting and video. The exhibition is part of the planning of the Contemporary Art Foundations Committee and opens on the occasion of the Turin stage of Bel Paese. Promoting italian art around the world.

Visit Palazzo Guarene with the Artsupp Card and discover all the advantages of the Card in more than 180 cultural institutions!

Che sarà sarà Palazzo Re Rebaudengo in Guarene
Che sarà sarà Palazzo Re Rebaudengo a Guarene

Ambera Wellman, alla Fondazione Sandretto until October 15th

TheFondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo has opened Antipoem Ambera Wellmann: a cycle of paintings specially created by the artist for this occasion, together with a small selection of already existing works. The exhibtion offers infinite and unpredictable imaginaries.

Visit Fondazione Sandretto with the Artsupp Card and discover all the advantages of the Card in more than 180 cultural institutions!

To a girl in a garden, Ambera Wellmann, 2023, Oil on canvas
To a girl in a garden, Ambera Wellmann, 2023, Oil on canvas

If you are also interested in all the other exhibitions not to be missed in 2023 in Rome, Naples, Venice and Milan we recommend our insights

Rome: major exhibitions 2023

Exhibitions in Naples: which ones to see in 2023

Venice: exhibitions to see in 2023

Exhibitions in Milan 2023: the five must-see

Do you want to discover all the museums, exhibitions and events in Turin? Click here!

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