The exhibitions for autumn 2023

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Vivian Maier Anthology

Ten must see exhibitions for autumn 2023?

If you are looking for must see exhibitions, here are the ones that we think could meet your expectations. For all other exhibitions, in many cities in Italy and Europe, visit Artsupp!

Table of Contents

Mario Sironi Solennità e tormento, at Galleria Bper in Modena until Februray the 4th 2024

Mario Sironi Solennità e tormento exhibits 40 artworks by Mario Sironi. Among the artworks on display, the painting “Allegory of work” stands out, to which are added important masterpieces from important private collections, from the Mario Sironi Association and from the Mario Sironi Archive.

The main theme at the center of the exhibition is the “word“, also a key element of the exhibition that the BPER Banca Gallery dedicates to Sironi.

Mario Sironi, Allegoria del lavoro

Vivian Maier Anthology Palazzo Pallavicini until January the 28th 2024

Palazzo Pallavicini hosts, from 7 October, the exhibition “Vivian Maier – Anthology”, an exhibition of around 150 original and Super 8mm photographs by one of the most loved and appreciated photographers of this century.

The exhibition is organized and created by Chiara Campagnoli, Deborah Petroni and Rubens Fogacci of Pallavicini srl with the curatorship of Anne Morin Chroma photography based on photos from the Maloof Collection archive and the Howard Greendberg Gallery in New York.

Palazzo Pallavicini, Vivian Maier – September the 18th

Anish Kapoor untrue unreal at Palazzo Strozzi, from 7 October to 4 February 2024

From October 7th 2023 Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi open a new, huge exhibtio realized by Anish Kapoor, internationally renowned contemporary artist.

The exhibition offers a journey through monumental installations, intimate environments and disturbing forms, creating an original and engaging dialogue with the architecture and public of Palazzo Strozzi.

Visit Anish Kapoor in Florence with the Artsupp Card and discover the advantages in more than 180 museums and cultural institutions!

Anish Kapoor Untrue Unreal

Rubens! La nascita di una pittura europea at Palazzo Te until the 18th of February 2024

Until 18 February 2024, Fondazione Palazzo Te, Palazzo Ducale di Mantua and Galleria Borghese join together to pay homage to Rubens with the exhibition Rubens! The birth of a European painting: the initiative that brings together the three exhibition events organized by the three institutions to celebrate the master of the baroque.

They are three exhibitions that are part of a broader cultural operation dedicated to the relationships between Italian culture and Europe seen through the eyes of Rubens.

The Feast of the Gods, Jan Brueghel the Elder, 1638 Oil on canvas

Goya the rebellion of reason at the Royal Palace of Milan until 3 March 2024

From 31 October 2023 to 3 March 2024 Palazzo Reale in Milan will exhibit the exhibition ‘’Goya. The rebellion of reason”.

Through the seven thematic sections through which the exhibition is constructed, it is possible to discover how Goya was able to transform painting into a revolutionary language, capable of breaking both with the rules and established plastic systems and with the imitation of models.

Il colosso, Francisco Goya

Thao Nguyen Phan at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca until 14th of January 2024

From 14th of september 2023 to 14th of January 2024 Pirelli HangarBicocca presents“ Thao Nguyen Phan Reincarnations of Shadows”, Thao Nguyen Phan’s first solo exhibition in Italy. Internationally recognized for her combined use of painting, moving image and sculpture, the Vietnamese artist creates dreamlike and poetic narratives that trace the history of her country in relation to contemporary environmental and social changes.

Marcel Duchamp e la seduzione della copia at Guggenheim in Venice until March 18, 2024

Da 14 ottobre 2023 al 18 marzo, 2024, la Collezione Peggy Guggenheim presentsMarcel Duchamp e la seduzione della copia, curated by Paul B. Franklin, independent scholar living in Paris and among the leading experts on Marcel Duchamp. This is the first major solo exhibition that the museum has dedicated to Duchamp, one of the most influential and innovative artists of the twentieth century, a historic friend and advisor to the American patron Peggy Guggenheim.

Escher at Palazzo Bonaparte until April the 1st 2024

From 31 October 2023, 100 years after his first visit to the capital in 1923, Escher returns to Rome with the largest and most complete exhibition ever dedicated to him, at Palazzo Bonaparte, in Piazza Venezia. The exhibtion Escher in Roma is a unique event cwhich presents to the public, in addition to his most famous masterpieces, also lots of artworks never exhibited before.


El Greco at Palazzo Reale in Milan until February the 11th 2024

Starting from October, Palazzo Reale a Milano The exhibition is staged by El Greco, a Greek naturalized Spanish artist who lived between the 16th and 17th centuries. The Milanese exhibition focuses on fundamental moments in the artist’s evolution, between “Greek manner” and Mannerism, Michelangelo’s monumentality and devotion, introspection (El Greco was the first to initiate the “psychological” portrait in Spain) and mysticism.

El Greco, Palazzo Reale in Milan

Alphonse Mucha at Museo degli Innocenti in Florence until April the 7th 2024

At Museo degli Innocenti in Florence , from27th of October until the 7th of April 2024, a major exhibition dedicated to Alphonse Mucha, the father of Art Nouveau, arrives.
On display are more than two hundred works present in the exhibition itinerary which will accompany the visitor to discover the Belle Époque when Paris was the center of the world and Mucha one of the most famous and sought after artists.

If you are also interested in all the others exhibitions that shouldn’t be missed in 2023 in Rome, Venice, Turin and Milan, we recommend our insights:

Rome: major exhibitions 2023

Venice: exhibitions to see in 2023

Turin: the 2023 exhibitions

Exhibitions in Milan 2023: the five must-see

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