Exhibitions in Madrid 2023, which ones to see in the city

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The exhibitions in Madrid 2023 are so many: the city is home to some of the most famous museums in the world and the exhibitions in Madrid are waiting to be discovered!

Madrid is, among European cities, one of the most fascinating from an artistic and cultural point of view.

in 2023 is the 50th anniversary of Picasso’s death also falls and exhibitions and events celebrating the artist are organized throughout Spain (and beyond).

Below we propose five of the many exhibitions in Madrid 2023, but if you want to discover them all together with those in many other European cities visit Artsupp.com.

Table of Contents

Picasso – El Greco at Museo Nacional del Prado, until September 17th

Until 17th of September, the Museo del Prado hosts the exhibtionPicasso, El Greco and the analitic Cubism. The exhibition focuses on Picasso’s cubist production and El Greco’s latest work.

The exhibition argues that El Greco’s influence was much deeper and more lasting on Picasso, especially in the development of Cubism. Also on display are official documents recording Picasso’s biographical and artistic links with the Prado Museum.

Saint Bartholomew, El Greco, Oil on canvas, photo by the Prado Museum
Saint Bartholomew, El Greco, Oil on canvas, photo by the Prado Museum

“Picasso. Lo sagrado y lo profano” al Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, until the 14th of January 2024

“Il sacro e il profano” is the exhibition at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza that investigate the originality with which Picasso approached both the classical world and the themes of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Picasso looks at the art of the past and reveals new ways of interpreting history and, with his clairvoyance, continues to give us fundamental keys to the uncertain contemporary world.

The sacred and the profane" at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza
Il sacro e il profano” at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza

En el mar de Sorolla con Manuel Vicent at Museo Sorolla, until the 17th September

The Museo Sorolla and the Fondazione Museo Sorolla present, as part of the centenary of Joaquín Sorolla’s death, the new temporary exhibition En el mar de Sorolla con Manuel Vincent. The Museo Sorolla invited the the Valencian writer Manuel Vicent to create a literary curation around the work of the brilliant painter. The writer thus compares himself with Sorolla’s painting in a dialogue between painting and literature.

En el mar de Sorolla con Manuel Vincent
En el mar de Sorolla con Manuel Vincent

Mamut. El gigante de la edad de hielo, at the Caixa Forum in Madrid until August 20th

The Caixa Forum di Madrid welcomes the Mammut until August 20th. The exhibition entitled Mamut. El gigante de la edad de hielotells the story of the extinct mammal that appeared on earth about five million years ago. The exhibition investigates in depth the causes of its extinction.

Mamut. El gigante de la edad de hielo
Mamut. El gigante de la edad de hielo

Picasso 1906. The Turning Point, al Museo Reina Sofia until March 4th

The exhibition Picasso 1906. The Turning Point is at Museo Reina Sofia until March 4th.

The exhibition offers a reflection on the concept of “modern art” developed by the artist. The Picasso exhibition in 1906 is both an epilogue to the pink period and a preview of Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. The 1906 was, for Picasso, a “period” in itself within his creative evolution.

Picasso 1906. The Turning Point
Picasso 1906. The Turning Point

If, beside Madrid, you’re interested in all the other must see exhibitions 2023 in Paris, London and Barcelona we recommend our insights:

Exhibitions in Paris: all the appointments

Exhibitions in London, the ones you shouldn’t miss

The exhibitions in Barcelona for 2023

We remind you that on Artsupp.com you can discover museums in Madrid and throughout Spain!

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