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At Palazzo Barberini, 14 never-exhibited landscapes are on display

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TheGallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica present in Palazzo Barberini, from 19 December 2023 to 31 January 2024 the exhibition focus: Of nature and invention. Landscapes, Views and Capricci from the deposits of the National Galleries of Ancient Art.

The Sala dei Paesaggi hosts fourteen landscapes, testimony to the relationship between man and nature.

The different types of landscape are represented on display, ranging from ideal compositions to views, from rural evocations to caprices with ancient ruins.

Useful information on the exhibition at Palazzo Barberini

Opening: Tuesday 19 December from 4.00pm to 8.30pm

Opening day: 19 December 2023

Ticket price: full 12, the ticket is valid for 20 days from the time of stamping for a single access to Palazzo Barberini and Galleria Corsini

At Palazzo Barberini, 14 never-exhibited landscapes are on display
View on Villa Sacchetti in Castelfusano Pietro da Cortona 1632 – 39 Oil on canvas

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