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Goya in Milan Palazzo Reale hosts the new exhibition

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Goya a Milano. A Palazzo Reale la mostra inedita

From October 31st to March 3rd 2024, at Palazzo Reale in Milan arrives a great exhibtion about one of the most important artists of the 19th century and the father of modern painting: Francisco Goya.

Goya la ribellione della ragione , as it is entitled the exhibtion, was realized thanks to the collaboration with the Sole24Ore Cultura andReal Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid.

Useful information on Goya in Milan

Opening day: October 31
Hours: 10.00 – 19.30; Thursday 10.00 – 22.30
Ticket price: Full price 15 euros.

Goya in Milan Palazzo Reale hosts the new exhibition
The Colossus, Francisco Goya

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