The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter

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In 2024 there are many exhibitions, including those ongoing, those that have now come to an end and those scheduled.

In all Italian cities, exhibitions of all kinds alternate: from modern art, to Caravaggio and the seventeenth century to Canova’s Neoclassicism or the humanist photography of Steve McCurry.

Here are the ten 2024 exhibitions to visit this winter!

Caravaggio’s Canestra, Secrets and enigmas of Still Life at Palazzo Mazzetti in Asti until 7 April 2024

The Caravaggio’s Canestra, Secrets and enigmas of Still Life in Palazzo Mazzetti in Asti, it is a one-of-a-kind exhibition that recounts the birth and evolution over time of Still Life, a pictorial genre inaugurated by Caravaggio with his famous Fruit Basket.

The success of the Canestra was so immediate as to produce the birth of a genre, investigated in the exhibition with over twenty precious canvases lent by important private collections – such as the Pallavicini collection and the Cremonini collection – and by numerous museums such as the Galleria Borghese or the Venaria Reale.

Caravaggio’s Basket, Secrets and enigmas of Still Life

Steve McCurry Children in Palazzo Ducale of Genoa until March 10, 2024

Steve McCurry – Children it is the first thematic exhibition dedicated to the childhood of the most beloved photographer of all time.

The theme of children has always been dear to the photographer and is central to his humanist photography: the children immortalized are different in ethnicity, clothes and traditions but express the same feeling with their inexhaustible energy, joy and ability to play even in the most difficult contexts .

The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter
Jaipur, India Steve McCurry 2008 Foto

Antonio Canova and Neoclassicism in Lucca at Cavallerizza Lucca until 29 September 2024

At Cavallerizza di Lucca, from December 8th will be on exhibition 30 masterpieces by Antonio Canova, including sculptures and paintings, as part of the exhibition Antonio Canova and Neoclassicism in Lucca coming from the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca Museum in Possagno and from public and private collections.

A journey with over 100 works which together with Canova exhibits the most famous international artists such as Francisco Goya and Francesco Hayez, up to the Lucca and Tuscan masters such as Pompeo Batoni, Bernardino Nocchi, Stefano Tofanelli.

The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter
Venere and Adone, Antonio Canova

Mario Amura Napoli Explosion at Capodimonte until the 1st of April 2024

The exhibition at Capodimonte titled Mario Amura Napoli Explosion presents 37 artworks of large dimensions made by the photographer and visual artist Mario Amura who for over 12 years has immortalized the fireworks celebration that Naples stages around Vesuvius on New Year’s Eve.
The photographs are immersed in a red light that recalls the red of the volcano’s magma chamber and the luminous atmosphere of a dark room.

The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter
Vesuvio Mario Amura 2022

Palermo Liberty The Golden Age at Palazzo Sant’Elia in Palermo until the al 30th of May

At Palazzo Sant’Elia di Palermo, until 30th of May , there is an important exhibition dedicated to the art, culture and society of the very happy Palermo:Palermo Liberty The Golden Age.

Are exhibited around 500 artworks from 1897 to 1923. A long exhibition itinerary that recounts the thousand facets and the many protagonists of a unique season, the Liberty.

The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter

Marionette e Avanguardia at Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia until 17th of March 2024

In Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia, from November 17, 2023 to March 17, 2024, there is Marionette e Avanguardia: an absolutely original exhibition-show. To be staged is “Marionette and Avant-garde. Picasso · Depero · Klee · Sarzi”.

The exhibition develops around the concept of the “fourth wall”, that is, the capacity for emotional involvement that makes a successful show a reality capable of immersing the spectator in the story being staged.

Escher in Palazzo Bonaparte unitl the 1st of April 2024 – extended until the 5th of May

From 31 October 2023, 100 years after his first visit to the capital in 1923, Escher returns to Rome with the largest and most complete exhibition ever dedicated to him, at Palazzo Bonaparte, in Piazza Venezia. The exhibtion Escher in Roma is a unique event which presents to the public, in addition to his most famous masterpieces, also lots of artworks never exhibited before.

The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter
Relativity Maurits Cornelis Escher 1953 Lithograph

Marcel Duchamp e la seduzione della copia at Guggenheim in Venice until March 18, 2024

Da 14 ottobre 2023 al 18 marzo, 2024, la Collezione Peggy Guggenheim presentsMarcel Duchamp e la seduzione della copia, curated by Paul B. Franklin, independent scholar living in Paris and among the leading experts on Marcel Duchamp. This is the first major solo exhibition that the museum has dedicated to Duchamp, one of the most influential and innovative artists of the twentieth century, a historic friend and advisor to the American patron Peggy Guggenheim.

The 2024 exhibitions, which ones to visit in winter
Peigne Marcel Duchamp 1964 Steel comb with painted inscription

At Palazzo Ducale in Urbino the rooms of the so-called Guest Apartment, on the ground floor, host the exhibition The other collection. Stories and works from the deposits of the National Gallery of the Marche.

The initiative is aimed at presenting to the general public the reality of the museum deposits of the Urbino institute and, more generally, to propose a reflection on an often unknown or misrepresented function of museums, which is precisely that of depositing works and objects of historical-artistic interest.

Portrait of Marianna Ottavia Casaretto Francesco Podesti 1823, Oil on canvas

House of the lobster di Philip Colbert at MANN in Naples until 1st April 2024

Philip Colbert, a British artist with an international following, is at MANN until April 1st. His work deeply explores the models of contemporary digital culture, with which he weaves a deeper historical-artistic dialogue.

In HOUSE OF THE LOBSTER, Colbert pays homage to the roots of lobster mythology through a series of works inspired by the Museum’s collection of mosaics from Pompeii. The exhibition also contemplates the broader themes of mortality, conflict and the cyclical nature of existence.

House of the lobster

If you are also interested in all the other must see exhibitions inVenice, Naples, Turin and Milan, we recommend our insights:

Venice: must see exhibitions in 2024

Exhibitions in Naples: which ones to see in 2024

Turin: exhibtions 2024

Exhibtions in Milano 2024: the five you must see

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