Rome, Raffaello Tiziano and Rubens in Palazzo Barberini

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Palazzo Barberini, in Rome, on the 29th of March opens the exhibtion Raffaello Tiziano and Rubens Masterpieces from Galleria Borghese in Palazzo Barberini.

The Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica, together with Galleria Borghese, will allow the public to admire the heritage preserved on the first floor of the Galleria Borghese: fifty works will in fact be transferred to the South Wing of the main floor of Palazzo Barberini.

This initiative is a unique opportunity to put two collections and absolute masterpieces like the Portrait of a Man by Antonello da Messina, the Madonna and Child by Giovanni Bellini, the Madonna with Child, Saint John and Angels by Sandro Botticelli, the Portrait of a Young Woman with a Unicorn by Raphael, Susanna and the Elders by Peter Paul Rubens, the Sacred Love Profane Love by Titian, the Sermon of the Baptist by Paolo Veronese, just to name a few, which will thus continue to be accessible to the general public.

Useful information on Raphael, Titian and Rubens at Palazzo Barberini

Opening day : 29th of March

Orario: 10 – 19 from Tuesday to Sunday, the ticket office closes one hour earlier

Ticket price: discounts are available, the Galleria Borghese ticket is reduced to 11 euros (except for mandatory booking fees, free tickets and legal reductions). Holders of this ticket will be entitled to visit the National Galleries of Ancient Art at a cost of 5 euros.

Lady with Unicorn Raffaello Sanzio 1506 Oil on canvas applied to panel

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