Best museums in Amsterdam

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Migliori musei ad Amsterdam

Amsterdam has lots of museums. Among these the most famous are the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum the Anna Frank house, Stedelijk Museum. However, the city offers lots of other options to make your stay unique and away from the usual tourist itineraries.

Here follows five museums that, according to us, can make your trip to Amsterdam even better!

Table of Contents

Huis Marseille

Huis Marseille is a museum in Amsterdam. Its collection is mostly made by important photos, both of national and international photographers. Huis Marseille focuses on a specific visual language and it is characterized by a deep investigative spirit , within a continous research about innovation.

Entrance: the museum is open every day from ten to six.

Best museums in Amsterdam
Huis Marseille

Museum Van Loon

The Museo Van Loon is a residential home desingend eand built in 1672 by ArchitectAdriaen Dortsman. Nowadays it is a museum with fornitures, silverware, different ages’ porcelain. Besides the permanent exhibition can be seen also temporary exhibtions, the garden, and the carriages’ warehouse.

Entrance: the museum is open from ten to seventeen.

Best museums in Amsterdam
Van Loon Museum

Tropen Museum

The Tropenmuseum is an etnographic museum inAmsterdam and dedicated to the culture, art and economy of former Dutch colonies such as Indonesia,Suriname, Ducht Carrabean and other countries in the tropical and subtropical areas.. The museum’s collection counts around 340.000 pieces, in addition to which eight permanent exhibitions and some temporary exhibitions can be visited.

Entrance: The museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday.

Best museums in Amsterdam
Tropen Museum

Nxt Museum

Nxt Museum is the first museum in the Netherlands dedicates to the new media art. Here new media art is explored that expands technical possibilities and applications, is dynamic and free from form, and generates movement whether physical, mental or emotional.

Entrance: The museum is open from Sunday to Tuesday from 10.30am to 8.30pm, on Wednesday from 10.30am to 9.30pm, from Thursday to Saturday from 10.30am to 10.30pm

Best museums in Amsterdam
Nxt Museum

Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam

The Koninklijk Paleis o Paleis op de Dam ( The Real Palace) is an historic building in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is placed in Dam Square and it is also known as Amsterdam city hall. Magnificent example of Architettura Barocca Olandese.

Entrance: the museum is closed until December 20th. It’s mandatory buying tickets online.

Best museums in Amsterdam
Koninklijk Paleis or Paleis op de Dam

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