Escher at Palazzo Bonaparte from October 31st

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Rome and Palazzo Bonaparte, afteb the incredible success of Van Gogh exhibition, starts again with a new exhibition: “Escher”, from October 31st to Aprile 1st 2024.

Maurits Cornelis Escher is back in Rome after 100 years since his first visit to the city in 1923. Escher comes back with th biggest exhibition ever dedicated to him.

Escher at Palazzo Bonaparte from October 31st

Who was Maurits Cornelis Escher ?

Maurits Cornelis Escher was born in Leeuwarden, in the Netherlands, on June 17th 1898.

He was a man with a restless and reserved character, but he lived a relatively peaceful life, often traveling around Europe.

Already as a child he showed a precocious talent for drawing and graphics and, despite several criticisms from his own teachers, he never gave it up.

He became famous during his lifetime and several exhibitions were dedicated to him towards the end of his years, in particular we remember the one in The Hague in 1968.

He died, at 74 years old, on March 27th 1972.

Maurits Cornelis Escher
Maurits Cornelis Escher

Escher, the exhibition and the topics

Everyone knows Escher for hislithographies and engravings.

Through these labyrinthine drawings, he is able to bring the viewer into another universe, where art, math, science, physics and design are mixed.

Escher, because of his multifaceted nature, he is appreciated by a wide public: both by those who are art enthusiasts and by those interested in mathematics, geometry, science, design, graphics.

The exhibition in Rome, is presented as an exceptional event that shows to the public, besides the wwll known masterpieces, also lots of unpublished artworks never exhibited before.

An exhibition that include about 300 artworks with also the iconic hand with reflective sphere, Bond of Union, Metamorphosis II, Day and Night, the famous Emblemata series and many others.

Escher, Roman Nocturn
Escher, Roman Nocturn

Escher and Rome

Escher arrives in Italy for the first time in 1921 and visits Tuscany, Umbria and Liguria. He arrived in Rome in 1923 and lived there until 1935.

The time he spent in Rome had a strong influence on all his subsequent work which saw him prolific in the production of lithographs and engravings, especially of landscapes, views, architecture and views of that ancient and baroque Rome which he loved to investigate in its most intimate dimension, the nocturnal one , in the weak light of a lantern.

In 1934, Escher realizes the series of 12 Roman Nocturnes and that time was remembered by him as one of the best moments during his Italian years.

The same 12 Roman Nocturnes will be displayed in the exhibition.

If you want to know more about other 2023 exhibitions in Venice, Naples, Turin e Milan, we reccomend you our articles:

Venice: exhibitions to see in 2023

Exhibitions in Naples: which ones to see in 2023

Turin: the 2023 exhibitions

Exhibitions in Milan 2023: the five must-see

Want to find out about all the museums, exhibitions and events in Rome? Click here!

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