Dalla materia alla luce at Raccolta Lercaro in Bologna

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The Raccolta Lercaroin Bologna opens the exhibtion “Dalla materia la luce”.

The exhibition will be open until the 18th of February 2024.

On exhibition can be found CaCO3 artworks, a collective withÂniko Ferreira da Silva, Giuseppe Donnaloia, Pavlos Mavromatidis and Davide Maria Coltro.

Dalla materia la luce it is an artistic project that explores the theme of mosaic investigated as a place of transformation: the matter arising from the depths of silicon becomes light and time manifests itself in the continuous change of reflections and flashes.

Useful information on Dalla materia alla luce at the Lercaro Collection:

Opening day: 12 October 2023

Opening: 11 October at 6.00 pm

Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 3.00pm – 7.00pm; from Thursday to Sunday 10.00-13.00 and 15.00-19.00

Ticket price: free

Dalla materia alla luce, Collezione Lercaro in Bologna

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