This weekend, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September, the European Heritage Days , also known as European Heritage Days, return.
The European Heritage Days have been promoted since 1991 thanks to the support of the European Commission and in Italy since 1995.
This year they have the theme of sustainability as their common thread with the title “Patrimonio InVita”
The European Heritage Days obviously involve not only Italian museums and institutions, but also those of all other countries which organize various events and initiatives.

The European days for sustainable cultural heritage
This year the theme chosen in Italy is that of heritage, widely shared also at European level following the international slogan of “Living Heritage”.
The objective is to reflect on the cultural heritage, spread throughout the national territory, the cultural values, traditions, practices and ways of living, the various forms of knowledge inherited from past generations.

Museums and institutions joining
On Saturday and Sunday, in all participating museums, you can join a series of initiatives such as guided tours or extraordinary openings, also in the evening, at the symbolic cost of 1 euro. Below are some of the museums and institutions that have decided to participate:
Direzione Regionale Musei Abruzzo
MuNDA – Museo nazionale d’Abruzzo
Museo Archeologico nazionale di Campli
Museo casa natale di Gabriele d’Annunzio
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Metaponto
Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Siritide Policoro
Madre Museo d’arte Contemporanea Donnaregina
Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
Palazzo Pepoli Museo dela Storia di Bologna
Museo archeologico nazionale di Aquileia
Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Altemps
Museo Hendrick Christian Andersen
Museo nazionale etrusco di Villa Giulia
Museo nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo
Museo nazionale degli strumenti musicali
Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola
Museo archeologico nazionale di Taranto MArTA
Musei Civici di Monza Casa degli Umiliati
Pinacoteca dell’Accademia Albertina di belle arti
MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino
Direzione Regionale Musei Puglia
Fondazione Biscozzi Rimabaud ETS
MAN – Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro
Pinacoteca Nazionale di Sassari
Museo nazionale di Villa Pisani
Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia
Museo d’Arte orientale di Venezia
The events of the European Days may be subject to last minute changes or variations, it is therefore recommended to always consult the official websites of the institutions involved.