Exhibitions for Christmas 2024

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We couldn’t help but draw up a list of the must see exhibitions for Christmas 2024, which has now arrived. Here you can find our ten exhibitions for Christmas 2024 , for all the other exhibition per tutte le altre nel resto d’Italia ovviamente c’è Artsupp.

Guercino at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome until January 26, 2025

An unmissable event featuring the following protagonists: Guercino and the Ludovisi family . The expositive path unfolds as a gripping tale of the brief but significant Ludovisi papacy, when the young Guercino found in Rome a unique opportunity to assert himself. The exhibition highlights the distinctive signs of an era that laid the foundations for the subsequent artistic developments of the Baroque.

Pietro Ruffo al Palazzo Esposizioni di Roma fino al 16 Febbraio 2025

The exhibition si articola nella grande sala del piano nobile di Palazzo Esposizioni e nelle tre sale adiacenti. Nella sala più grande, Le Monde Avant la Création de l’Homme è inserito nell’installazione immersiva L’ultimo meraviglioso minuto che ricreerà l’atmosfera di una foresta primordiale. Il percorso espositivo prosegue alla scoperta delle prime tracce umane riproposte attraverso cinque grandi quadri della serie Antropocene Preistoria e si conclude con una riflessione su Roma.

Fernando Botero at Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome until the 19th January 2025

Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome dedicates the largest exhibition ever held in Italy to Fernando Botero, one of the most important artists of the 20th century. Through the exhibition of over 120 masterpieces, The exhibition exceptionally recounts Botero’s great mastery in all artistic techniques.

Cutting Clouds at the Madre Museum in Naples until January 7, 2025

Cutting Clouds | Tagliando le nuvole is a program that includes actions linked to the ephemeral and impermanent. Cutting Clouds, reflecting on clouds’ changing nature. evolving through actions that aims to activate potential creativity by appreciating the casual, the improvised and the indeterminate.

Salvatore Ferragamo 1898-1960 at the Ferragamo Museum in Florence until April 24, 2025

Salvatore Ferragamo 1898-1960 represent the synthesis of a backward investigation not only into the work and life of Salvatore Ferragamo but also into the role of the corporate museum and the curatorial practice that accompanies it.

Artsupp top exhibtions

The Renaissance in Brescia at the Santa Giulia Museum until February 16, 2025

The Reinassance in Brescia. Moretto, Romanino, Savoldo 1512-1552, is the exhibition event protagonist of the cultural program of Fondazione Brescia Musei for the autumn 2024. Within the rooms , the paintings of the great masters of Brescia they dialogue with rare and precious objects.

Marina Apollonio at the Guggenheim in Venice until March 3rd 2025

Peggy Guggenheim Collection presents Marina Apollonio. Beyond the circle , first solo exhibition ever held in Italy dedicated to Marina Apollonio (b. 1940), one of the major exponents of international Optical and Kinetic Art, supported and collected by Peggy Guggenheim.

Impression Morisot at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa until the 23rd February 2024

“Impression, Morisot” is the first big exhibition in Italy about Berthe Morisot: 86 artworks, paintings, etching, watercolors, pastels, plus photographic and archive documents to retrace the artist’s life.

In breve Robert Doisneau at the GNU Galleria Nazionale of Umbria in Perugia until the 4th May 2025

The National Gallery of Umbria in Perugia hosts the exhibition for the first time in Umbria In breve, Robert Doisneau: 30 photographs that tell the entire poetics of the Parisian photographer. His most iconic image stands out, the famous Bacio dell’Hotel de Ville became the symbol of an era and a generation.

Terza Terra: Michelangelo Pistoletto in Villa Manin in Udine until the 31st December 2024

Terza Terra is a complex artistic project that includes an exhibition in the Doge’s residence where some masterpieces by Michelangelo Pistoletto will be displayed in dialogue with works by over eleven Italian and foreign artists, who also place an ethical and social dimension at the centre of their work.

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