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Lo sguardo di Dante at Palazzo Barberini

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The Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica presents, from November 15th to February the 29th 2024, at Palazzo Barberini the exhibition Lo sguardo di Dante – The Mimetic Observer.

The exhibition includes 27 photographs taken by Carlotta Valente, with the collaboration of Joaquin Paredes.

The theme addressed is that of light and Dante’s imagery in the Divine Comedy.

The exhibtion is organized into three series of nine images inspired to Dante’s canti that are presented according to the lights they’ve been characterized by: total darkness in the Inferno, a glare in the Purgatory and at the end in the Paradise a blinding brilliance.

Useful information on Dante’s gaze at Palazzo Barberini

Opening day: 15th of November

Openig hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 7pm

Prezzo del biglietto: 7 euro full price

Lo sguardo di Dante at Palazzo Barberini
Lo sguardo di Dante at Palazzo Barberini

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